

    32 Bit MCU, 2MB Flash, 512KB SRAM, 200 MHz, 144 Pin, USB, Ethernet, EBI, SQI, RTCC



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    Key Features

      200 MHz/330 DMIPS, microAptiv core

      DSP-enhanced core:

      Four 64-bit accumulators

      Single-cycle MAC, saturating and fractional math

      Dual Panel Flash for live update support

      10-bit, 500 KSPS, 48-channel ADC module

      Memory Management Unit for optimum embedded OS execution

      microMIPS mode for up to 35% code compression

      UART, I2C, PMP, EBI, SQI & Analog Comparators

      SPI/I2S interfaces for audio processing and playback

      Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Device/Host/OTG

      10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC with MII and RMII interface

      Temperature Range - 40°C to 85°C; - 40°C to 125°C (planned)

    Microcontroller Features

      Operating voltage range of 2.2V to 3.6V

      2MB Flash memory (plus an additional 160 KB of Boot Flash)

      512KB SRAM memory

      microMIPS mode for up to 35% smaller code size

      DSP-enhanced core:

      Four 64-bit accumulators

      Single-cylce MAC, saturating and fractional math

      Code-efficient (C and Assembly) architecture

      Low-power management modes (Idle and Sleep)

    Peripheral Features

      50 MHz External Bus Interface (EBI)

      50 MHz Serial Quad Interface (SQI)

      Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) functionality to enable function remap

      8 channels of hardware programmable DMA and 12 channels of dedicated DMA with automatic data size detection

      Six UART modules (25 Mbps): Supports LIN 1.2 and IrDA protocols

      Six 4-wire SPI modules (50 Mbps)

      SQI configurable as an additional SPI module (50 MHz)

      Five I2C modules (up to 1 Mbaud) with SMBus support

      Parallel Master Port (PMP)

      Hardware Real-Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC)

      Nine 16-bit Timers/Counters (four 16-bit pairs combine to create four 32-bit timers)

      Nine Capture inputs and Nine Compare/PWM outputs

    Audio/Graphics/Touch HMI Features

      Graphics interface: EBI or PMP

      Audio data communication: I2S, LJ, RJ, USB

      Audio data control interface: SPI and I2C™

      Audio data master clock: Fractional clock frequencies with USB synchronization

    Advanced Analog Features

      10-bit ADC Module:

      500 Ksps rate with one Sample and Hold (S&H) circuits

      Up to 48 analog inputs

      Flexible and independent ADC trigger sources

      6 digital filters and comparators

      Two analog comparators with 32 programmable voltage references

      Temperature sensor with ±2°C accuracy

    Debugger Development Support

      In-circuit and in-application programming

      4-wire MIPS® Enhanced JTAG interface

      Unlimited program and 12 complex data breakpoints

      IEEE 1149.2-compatible (JTAG) boundary scan

      Non-intrusive hardware-based instruction trace



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    PIC32MZ2048ECG144T-I/PLSUNTSU无源晶振 18pF 120Ω ±30ppm -10℃~+60℃ SMD2520_4P 14.31818MHz 立即购买
    PIC32MZ2048ECG144-I/PLSiTime有源晶振 3V ±50ppm 222.75MHz SMD-6 立即购买
    PIC32MZ2048ECG144-I/PHSUNTSU无源晶振 10pF 48MHz ±30ppm 60Ω -10℃~+70℃ SMD2016_4P 立即购买



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