

     Digital Proximity Sensorwith Dual Ambient LightSensors and Interrupt




    The NOA3315 combines an advanced digital proximity sensor andLED driver with dual ambient light sensors (ALS) and tri−mode I2Cinterface with interrupt capability in an integrated monolithic device.Multiple power management features and very low active sensingpower consumption directly address the power requirements of batteryoperated mobile phones and mobile internet devices.The proximity sensor measures reflected light intensity with a highdegree of precision and excellent ambient light rejection. TheNOA3315 enables a proximity sensor system with a 16:1programmable LED drive current range and a 30 dB overall proximitydetection range. The dual ambient light sensors include one with aphotopic light filter and one with no filter. Both have dark currentcompensation and high sensitivity eliminating inaccurate light leveldetection and insuring proper backlight control even in the presence ofdark cover glass.The NOA3315 is ideal for improving the user experience byenhancing the screen interface with the ability to measure distance fornear/far detection in real time and the ability to respond to ambientlighting conditions to control display backlight intensity.
    • Proximity Sensor, LED Driver and Dual ALS in OneDevice
    • Very Low Power Consumption
    • These Devices are Pb−Free, Halogen Free/BFR Freeand are RoHS Compliant
    • Proximity detection distance threshold I2Cprogrammable with 12−bit resolution and eightintegration time ranges (16−bit effective resolution)
    • Effective for Measuring Distances up to 200 mm andBeyond
    • Excellent IR and Ambient Light Rejection includingSunlight (up to 50K lux) and CFL Interference
    • Programmable LED Drive Current from 10 mA to160 mA in 5 mA Steps, no External Resistor Required
    • User Programmable LED Pulse Frequency
    • Dual ALS senses ambient light and provides 16−bitoutput counts on the I2C bus directly proportional to theambient light intensity
    • Photopic Spectral Response of ALS1 Nearly MatchesHuman Eye
    • Broadband response of ALS2 supports compensationfor spectral shifts encountered with different types ofcover glass
    • Dynamic Dark Current Compensation
    • Linear Response over the Full Operating Range
    • 3 ranges – 100 counts/lux, 10 counts/lux, 1 count/lux
    • Senses Intensity of Ambient Light from 0.02 lux to 52klux with 21−bit Effective Resolution (16−bit converter)
    • Programmable Integration Times (50 ms, 100 ms,200 ms, 400 ms)


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