

    Low Power, 130MHz, 75mA Rail-to-Rail Output Amplifiers



    描述The LMH6644-MIL true single supply voltage feedback amplifier offers high speed (130MHz), low distortion (–62 dBc), and exceptionally high-output current (approximately 75 mA) at lowcost and with reduced power consumption when compared against existing devices with similarperformance.Input common mode voltage range extends to 0.5 V below V– and1 V from V+. Output voltage range extends to within 40 mV of eithersupply rail, allowing wide dynamic range especially desirable in low-voltage applications. Theoutput stage is capable of approximately 75 mA in order to drive heavy loads. Fast output slew rate(130 V/µs) ensures large peak-to-peak output swings can be maintained even at higher speeds,resulting in exceptional full power bandwidth of 40 MHz with a 3-V supply. These characteristics,along with low cost, are ideal features for a multitude of industrial and commercialapplications.Careful attention has been paid to ensure device stability under all operating voltagesand modes. The result is a very well behaved frequency response characteristic (0.1-dB gainflatness up the 12 MHz under 150-Ω load and AV = +2) with minimal peaking(typically 2-dB maximum) for any gain setting and under both heavy and light loads. This along withfast settling time (68 ns) and low distortion allows the device to operate well in an ADC buffer aswell as high-frequency filter applications.This device offers professional quality video performance with low differential gain(0.01%) and differential phase (0.01°) characteristics. Differential gain and differential phasecharacteristics are also well maintained under heavy loads (150 Ω) and throughout the outputvoltage range.特性(VS = ±5 V, TA = 25°C,RL = 2 kΩ, AV = +1. Typical Values UnlessSpecified). –3 dB BW (AV = +1) 130MHz Supply Voltage Range 2.7 V to 12.8 V Slew Rate, (AV = –1) 130 V/µs(1) Supply Current (no load) 2.7 mA/amp  Output Short Circuit Current +115 mA to 145 mA Linear Output Current ±75 mA Input Common Mode Voltage 0.5 V Beyond V–, 1 V fromV+ Output Voltage Swing 40 mV from Rails  Input Voltage Noise (100 kHz) 17 nV/√Hz Input Current Noise (100 kHz) 0.9 pA/√Hz THD (5 MHz, RL = 2 kΩ, VO = 2VPP, AV= +2) –62 dBc Settling Time 68 ns Fully Characterized for 3 V, 5 V, and ±5 V Overdrive Recovery 100 ns Output Short Circuit Protected(2) No Output Phase Reversal with CMVR Exceeded All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



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